Sunday, 16 June 2024

Hutting and Wildlife Watching at Solstice

Scottish hutting - small wooden hut 

Fast approaching summer solstice so we are planning an overnight wildlife watch

Fox searching for snacks of dog biscuits and peanuts

While spending time on wildlife watch at Frugaldm, chances are you will spot the little vixen that comes into the paddock most nights to get dog biscuits and, occasionally, some cat food.

Badger on the decking eating peanuts

Most nights, te badgers visit the deckings of huts 2 and 3 to snack on peanuts

Pine marten on the decking looking for food

The pine marten is a regular visitor to huts 1 and 2 where he comes looking for peanuts, apple or an egg. His favourite is currently egg, which he will happily retrieve from any of the bowls of peanut feeders.

Can you believe it is only a few days from midsummer? I can't! What happened to the first half of the year and, worse still, how fast is the second half going to whizz past. So much still to do between now and then. Pnies to rehome, a companion goat to find, endless hours of garden work and then winter trees to plant. Why not join us as Friends of Frugaldom and pop out for a visit to help keep the flag flying. At just £5 for overnight parking, campervans and motorhomes are welcome.

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