Thursday, 21 November 2013

#Win with NYK - What Type of Savvy Shopper are You?

What Type of Savvy Shopper are you and what are 'Freedom Rewards'?


I’m a Bargain Hunter Gatherer and proud of it!

Frugaldom is giving you the chance to learn about Freedom Rewards while taking a short quiz to determine what type of savvy shopper you are, plus the chance to win £60 of Amazon vouchers, courtesy of our sponsors at Barclaycard. 
A new consumer study carried out by Barclaycard - which processes nearly half of all card transactions in the UK – together with consumer experts at Brunel University, shows that the recent economic climate has made a lasting impact on how we approach shopping and saving money. Bagging a bargain goes far beyond just saving cash, people now place far greater value on the emotional investment of smart spending, giving rise to our four new modern shopping 'tribes'.
  •  The Bargain Hunter Gatherer
  •  The High Street Pounder
  •  The Screen Saver 
  •  The Profit Prophet
I took the quiz and am pleasantly surprised at how accurate the results are! Now it’s your turn to see what you think and share your views. An extra £60 to spend is a much appreciated opportunity and, thanks to our sponsors, we have just that!
Take part in the quiz here

Edited in: Results of the free draw can be found here

(Original image URL:


  1. I am the same as u nyk I am also a BARGAIN HUNTER  I like to think this is true I often have people asking me advice on the best place to get things I am also quick to pass on a bargain to a freind if I know they need it xx

  2. I'm a profit prophet. Thankyou kindly for the chance to win NYK. I'd love to work out how to be a hunter gatherer though! Lol.

    Happy weekend. X

  3. Well it appears that I am a High Street Pounder. Well I certainly like to check out all the best bargains, as I pound the streets on my mobility scooter !

    Cheap and Cheerful.

  4. I am considered a high street pounder because I shop locally and know the name of local shop keepers?!!!! I don't think so! What rubbish!

  5. Me - I'm a High Street Pounder! I like to support my local shops where possible but I live in a village an the local shops are just a butcher and a (market) greengrocer. I occasionally venture into the nearby town but actually I use the web for a lot of shopping becuase prices are keener and the cost of taking the car into town (I'm disabled and the car is the only way) and parking it, means it's a very expensive option.

  6. Fun! I'm a "screen saver" which I guess is true...though I find I do most of my shopping online only because our high street is lacking a lot of useful shops! So it goes...

    1. CONGRATULATIONS, RACHEL! Please get in contact so I can email you a £20 Amazon gift voucher.

  7. Turns out I'm a high street pounder.

  8. Apparently I too am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer. I hold no brand specific loyalty and play brands off against one another, when one supermarket chain sends me discount vouchers I use them and then the other supermarket gets jealous and sends me vouchers to go and play with them. I am a bit of a fickle friend swapping to who has the nicest vouchers.

  9. How do NYK, I am a bargain hunter gatherer and am happy with that title! Am always on the look out for ways to save more, reuse and recycle more and keep my bins as empty as possible.

    (NYK - I am mishy on the forums).

  10. I took the quiz and I am a profit prophet, which sort of surprised me. I did answer truthully honest.......

  11. I'm a bargain hunter gatherer too. My husband always says that I would have been happy if I had lived during the hunter gatherer period : )

  12. Surprise, surprise, I am also a BHG with a hint of HSP :)

    I adore that my cards offer cash back and / or the opportunity to collect points - it's like having elastic money, it stretches funds that wee bit further!

  13. Im supposed to be a high street pounder, not sure if that exactly fits my style

  14. Yep - Bargain Hunter Gatherer here too. After being made redundant while on maternity leave I started menu planning back in August - at first it seemed totally ridiculous to think of what we would eat in a week's time. Now it's second nature and I'm thinking/planning weeks in advance instead. I signed up for Top Cash Back and have over £200 'banked' which we're going to cash in for the Christmas period so that we can buy meat (a rareity) and entertain the family and do some family activities together too. Do I feel deprived? No way. Do I wish I had more money? Yes, always. But I've never been more grateful for what we do have and I've never been happier :) Thank you for your inspiring blog. :) vx

  15. Apparently I'm a Profit Prophet. Sounds OK to me. :) Jaibee

  16. A big suprise I am also a BHG with more than a leaning towards HSP:)

    I think this is how I shop and use all points to my advantage.
    Good luck to all on this frugal journey.

  17. I am a Profit Prophet. Most the time I am good out searching out bargains but I don't enjoy shopping anymore. I tend to stick with local supermarkets, I am lucky that we have most supermarkets fairly close. Going in to the city feels me with dread at this time of year.

  18. I'm a High Street pounder although we have a lot of the Supermarkets andcheap places nearby-Aldi etc. I also use t'internet and regularly keep an eye out for a deal.

  19. I'm a screen saver, but only about half the profile fits. I'd be out shopping for bargains more if it wasn't for health issues.

  20. I am a profit prophet apparently!


  21. I am a Profit Prophet, always thought I was a Bargain Hunter Gatherer !

  22. I'm a High Street Pounder???? I don't champion local shopping at all!!!!!

  23. I'm a High Street Pounder, NYK, according to Barclaycard. Not entirely true, as I love internet shopping, but I do like to get to know my local shopkeepers and buy local when I can.

  24. I was deemed to be a Profit Prophet - not sure I agree, as I thought I was more of a Bargain Hunter Gatherer. I think the questions are too few for a true picture. Harmless fun though...

  25. Bargain Hunter Gatherer... didn't use any "apps" but don't use a mobile phone so that one was out!

  26. I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer too :) no surprises there I guess

    Nyk Prosecco is a type of wine :) not as nice as rhubarb fizz though ;)

    Good luck everyone

  27. Turns out I'm a Bargain Hunter Gatherer as well - would've been very surprised if I'd been anything else!!

  28. I came out as a profit prophet ??? yes I do like to plan ahead in most things such as I will plan what to buy in each shop to make the most of offers etc but I also have a slush fund to pick up unexpected bargains or multi buys when I see them so not sure if it was completely correct.
    This quiz has made me look at the other types of shoppers and perhaps learn a thing or two.

  29. Very much a profit prophet here in the states. The only category I don't fall into for this one is nearing retirement and child not living at home.

  30. I'm a profit prophet... I do love to plan!

  31. I am also a profit prophet, and am true to its definition.

  32. I came out as a screen saver which is not true! I don't use apps, twitter or a mobile phone. I use the local shops, and, although I do shop online it's for things that I can't get locally or is cheaper.

  33. I'm a profit prophet, which is all pretty accurate apart from the almost ready to retire bit, unfortunately!

  34. Looks like I'm a Profit Prophet! :)

  35. Screen saver is me. I expect that is correct as I hate queuing up in shops

  36. I am most definitely a Profit Prophet. I absolutely hate having to buy something on the spur of the moment- I always want to do my research first and think about the options open to me first. I don't use apps of any sort and never do online shopping for food although I do check on mysupermarket beforehand sometimes. I also like to check prices up and down our high street before I part with my hard earned cash!. I am quite a way off retirement but am thinking ahead so that we will be comfortable when we reach that stage.

  37. I am a high street pounder according to the survey. I do like to shop locally for groceries, I use my local butcher and know the names of most of the shopkeepers, but then again, I used to be one of them myself. I'm not sure that I am actually a high street pounder though, as I do use the internet quite a bit as well. I would say that I am all round bargain hunter lol.

  38. im a high street pounder which is very true

  39. I'm the profit prophet. Seems about right. I went through a phase of shopping online for everything for a bit, but it gets boring in my opinion, and I barely go on the high street anymore! :)

  40. Just did it again and I am a bargain hunter - that's more like it! X

  41. Stephanie Boulton25 November 2013 at 21:16

    I'm a High Street Pounder which is about right

  42. Thank you for the competition. I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer

  43. I'm another bargain hunter gatherer here :-)

  44. thought I'd answered this I'm also a Bargain hunter gatherer. Thanks Nyk

  45. I'm a Profit prophet. Yep, I'd agree with that. Definitely a planner and am disloyal to brands, always looking for the best deal and ways to save the pennies

  46. I'm also a bargain hunter gatherer. Thanks for the link NYK :-)

  47. I'm a Screen Saver, which isn't me? I think I am a bit of everything, and not 100% of one thing.

  48. I'm a High Street Pounder too. Well, not really, I stay off the High Street - full of chain stores - and wear a groove in the local marketplace instead; better bargains by far!

  49. High street pounder here with a bit of the bargain hunter gatherer thrown in.

  50. Well, it says that I am a high street pounder but I am not quite convinced! The things available on our local high street are degenerating into fast food outlets and bookmakers, interspersed with only the odd charity shop - thank goodness for those or it would hardly be worth going in to the town!

  51. Another categorised as a high street pounder. In fact, I seek out bargains whenever and wherever I can - but I do believe in supporting local shops when they offer good value - and many do, of those that survive.


  52. I'm a Screen Saver.

  53. I'm a High Street Pounder, I love my local village shops

    1. CONGRATULATIONS, SNITTY KITTY! Please get in contact so I can email you a £20 Amazon gift voucher.

  54. I am a high street pounder, I do a great deal of my shopping locally. I also use an online site 4 to 5 times a year to stock up on dry goods at rock bottom prices.

  55. I'm a high street pounder apparently. thought I'd already entered this

  56. well i am a bargin shopper hunter which i actually agree with.

  57. Bargain in hunter gatherer here :)

  58. Turns out I'm a "profit prophet" which is accurate!


  60. I got High Street Pounder - which I guess I am! xxx

    1. CONGRATULATIONS, TINKERTINK2010! Please get in contact so I can email you a £20 Amazon gift voucher.

  61. Hi NYK, I am a High Street pounder :) x Lynda aka

  62. Replies
    1. Sorry, this competition closed last night and the winners have already been announced.


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