Friday 19 April 2024

Spring is in the Air

Better late than never, as the saying goes. Spring has been a long time in getting here so it was great to finally get a completely dry day of sunshine that didn't end with a deluge. It was a good day to work by the ponds. 
So far, all the plants here have been donated or else cuttings taken from elsewhere but I did splash out and buy some reduced price lilies and marginals. They all got planted today. I also checked the fruit hedge in cuckoo corral, which was planted in August 2023. It comprises 40 mixed berry bushes - red and white currants, red and white gooseberries and josta berries. Again, these were all end of season bargains that seemed like a good investment. Here's hoping the hedge is fruitful in the future.
I remembered to water the courgette seeds and the hardy kiwi in the potting shed and weeded out another small raised bed, ready for transplanting seedlings. No Olio this week but did get a lovely pair of black stretch jeans, spotted in charity shop for £3 by a friend. Absolute bargain and very comfy work wear. 

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