Wednesday 5 February 2014

Day 5 of Extremely Frugal February - I got a 'new' Sofa!

28 Days of Extreme Frugal Living

Day 5 of 28, I got a sofa!

PS: I still spent £77.00 of my household budget! :)
My fabulously frugal sofa!
Just a shorty tonight after a typical meal day costing the usual £2 or thereabouts, £2.50 spent on a big box of firelighters (I haven't taken the time to make any!) and five bags of coal at a cost of £70.
I'm allowing about £2.50 for logs, as I wasn't overly vigilant about keeping the stove roaring today, but it did get used for heating all the hot water we used.
My new frugal carpet got delivered late this afternoon and is currently lying in the hall - I'll try not to trip over it again! Needless to say, it arrived just as H and neighbour were about to go and collect the sofa, so we haven't had time to lay it, meaning the sofa has had to go into neighbour's garage until tomorrow. I spent most of last night and today worrying about one thing I had overlooked... measurements! It's a big sofa and we have tiny doors! As it turned out, all the cushion top is removable and it should fit in when we move it tomorrow - I'll let you know how that goes!
Next worry was moving the sofa in an open trailer during a howling gale with torrential rain and hail. By sheer luck, the wind dropped and the rain almost stopped for about 45 of the 55 minutes it took them to haul it home! Thankfully, we did manage to find tarpaulins and the neighbour had one for over the top of the trailer. All is well, I am happy and we should have the living room beginning to look like a living room by tomorrow evening, at which point we will be celebrating with some leftover New Year 'cheer'!
I'd just like to say a very big thank you to the young gentleman who gave us this beautiful piece of furniture by way of 'pay it forward', to those who have helped make it possible to move it from A to B, to the neighbour whose garage we have borrowed and also to those who, tomorrow, are coming to lay the carpet and help man-handle the sofa into place.
I love my new sofa and I still haven't even seen it properly - it was too dark by then!
NYK, Frugaldom


  1. So pleased you've got it safely! Can't wait to see the pictures!

    Hope all goes well!

    Weather is very bad here in Dorset, gales are horrendous, and rain and hail is immense. Did you see the train line in Dawlish on the tv? N all those poor peoples houses. Bless them.x

    Have a good day dear lady. X

  2. Wow, not bad for a freebie, and isn't it lovely when everyone rallies round and helps. :-)

    I can't wait to see the almost finished room.

    1. Carpet fitted, sofa squeeeeeeeeeeezed in eventually, with a good deal of twisting, turning and then one final push! LOL

  3. very nice, can't wait to see a photo of your living room all done.

  4. Looks Good. Hope it's as comfy as it looks, I guess Scruffy cat will soon let you know if so.


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