Saturday, 20 July 2013

The Charcoal Challenge (Part 2)

Part 2 has now been merged with part 1 to form the official entry into The Charcoal Challenge competition.

You can read it in its entirety here.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


  1. That is very well done. Far nicer than one B-B-Q where stuff is thrown away. Love the luck of dessert, not sure if the tinned cream is meant to whip, is it?

    1. Thanks, DC - that would explain my lack of success in the cream whipping stakes. Oops! Unfortunately, I'd used up the last of the 'Dream Topping' on the trifle we had with first BBQ. No matter - the desserts tasted good and contained the first of this year's raspberries from the garden.

  2. you did really well congrats. Never cooked on a charcoal bbq, we have a propane one. Which reminds me, must get dh to change the tank, its empty.

    Gill in Canada

    1. I can burn food on anything, so charcoal-grilled is a great excuse for crispy sausages and kebabs. :)


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