This is an extra blog post I've thrown together after spotting a reference to Silbars on Twitter.
In 2009, I bought half a dozen hatching eggs from eBay, from a seller who was advertising said eggs as Silbars. Sadly, the box was delayed and badly damaged in transit.

To be honest, I forgot all about this until noticing the Silbar name crop up on Twitter. So here I am, back on the trail of discovery, trying to ascertain if my hen is just a plain Silkie or if she is, indeed, what's known as a Silbar.
Being a lone-hatched chick, she was reared as a family pet and probably spent the best part of her first year wandering in and out my kitchen! We eventually found her another lone chick, a white Silkie hen that we named Dumbledorf. But I digress.
On 03 March, 2009, the chick on the right hatched from the one surviving 'Silbar' egg.
Honestly, it was almost as bad as having a new baby in the house, except this baby grew very quickly.
It took us several weeks to find her a companion (Dumbledorf), so she tended to hang about the kitchen door for most of the day, then come into the porch and sleep in her old brooding box at night!
Silkie-Chic did survive and she is still with us, here in Frugaldom, living happily alongside Dumbledorf and my other trio of blue cuckoo and lavender Silkies.

All her last year's chicks were sold and I don't know how many turned out to be cockerels or how many were hens, although I do know the two black-headed partridge coloured chicks were both cockerels. Perhaps I should make a point of finding out if the ones that hatched looking identical to Silkie-Chic turned out to be hens?
To anyone with any knowledge of Silkies, Silbars or colour genetics in poultry, what there be any benefit to breeding this hen to my bearded, blue cuckoo Silkie cockerel?
Your comments would be very much appreciated, thank you.
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