Wednesday 28 May 2014

What is a Frugaleur?


What is a Frugaleur?

We've all heard of entrepreneurs, then came mumpreneurs, dadpreneurs and any other type of 'preneurs' you care to mention, so we decided that it was only fair to introduce frugaleurs to show the world that even those of us who live a frugal lifestyle have the chance to build a business and make it pay. At the end of the day, entrepreneurs are just people with vision and a will to succeed, aren't they?

Have you got what it takes to become a frugaleur and run a debt free business? Or perhaps you are turning around a failing business to steer it to success by way of money saving and money spinning tactics? Whatever you are doing, if you are doing it for yourself then join our project and share our vision. All our members can benefit from additional shared (FREE) advertising, marketing and promotion by way of some rather unique methods we have researched and tried out over the years… Read more here

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